A full consultation is carried out prior to the first massage, reflexology or Reiki treatment, this usually takes about 15 minutes. The form may be emailed prior to treatment to save time.


Benefits of massage

  • Relieves stress and anxiety by reducing the cortisol levels (stress) and increasing the seratonin and dopamine levels (happiness)
  • Relieves muscle stiffness, soreness and pain by increasing circulation to the area and stretching muscle tissue
  • Fights off colds and infections as well as increasing immunity by increasing the number of white blood cells in the body
  • Reduces water retention, cellulite and accumulated toxins by increasing the lymph movement and drainage
  • Aids sleep by affecting the delta waves which promote sleep


Flowers and herbs together with a blue glass bottle used for essential oils

Generally an aromatherapy massage is relaxing and uplifting. It helps to treat insomnia, stress, emotionally related conditions and muscle pain. This results in the client feeling calm and content.

The treatment is carried out using essential oils which are extracted from plants, flowers and trees. The essential oils are blended according to the client's needs as each have specific properties for treating a range of ailments.

The advantages of this massage are that the client receives all the benefits of massage and the medicinal effects of the essential oils.

 £50 / hour


Picture shows shirodhara bowl, bolus and Indian spices

Ayurveda is a well-being system that originated more than 4,000 years ago in India. It aims to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. The ayurveda system combines nutrition, herbal remedies, yoga and massage to heal and nourish both the body and spirit.

Ayurveda treatments are the perfect way to detox and tone the body during a weight loss program.

Treatments include:

  • Marma therapy
  • Pinda sweda (the use of hot bolus)
  • Udvartana (powdered herbs used for exfoliation)
  • Shirobhyanga (head, neck & shoulder massage)
  • Abhayanga (whole body oil massage)
  • Panchakarma (detoxification) programs are available.

A full consultation is carried out to assess the prakriti (constitution / mind-body type) and vikriti (imbalance of the doshas that can lead to disease).

Deep Tissue

Deep tissue massage therapy is similar to Swedish massage. The deeper pressure is beneficial in relieving pain and releasing muscle tension throughout the body. This type of massage reaches the deepest layer of muscles, fascia (connective tissue surrounding the joints) and tendons.

Benefits from this type of treatment include: increased mobility, recovery from RSI and injuries and relief from Osteoarthritis & Fibromyalgia.

from £50 / hour


A facial massage taking place

Indian Head and facial massages are available.

Indian Head massage is an Ayurvedia treatment which is truly relaxing. It includes a shoulder, neck and face massage and usually takes 30 minutes.

An Ayurveda facial includes Kumkumadi  Tailam (herbal oil used for face massage) and a Kansa wand (bronze tipped wooden tool) which provides gentle friction to facial muscles which helps pull acidity from the skin. This treatment also creates a subtle electrical conductivity due to the bronze, which improves the body's natural electrical balancing system.

Aromatherapy treatments for the face can also carried out using essential oils that are specific for each skin type.

From £30 / 30 minutes

Honey - Ukrainian style

Gentle massage of the hand



A honey massage is for deep detoxification and removal of toxins from the soft tissue. It is extremely beneficial in removing pain from older muscular injuries or improving cellulitis. The skin becomes soft and silky smooth after the treatment.

The treatment includes a warm-up massage, honey massage, warm towels and an oil massage.

It can be a little painful and is not suitable for hairy areas of the body.

Natural raw filtered honey from our own beehives are used in this massage.

£50 / 30 minutes


Gentle massage of the hand


An oncology massage is very gentle with much repetition. We endevour to make the client as comfortable as possible during the massage. The treatment is relaxing and uplifting.

£ 35 / 30 minutes or £55 / 60 minutes

Swedish Body

Back massage


Swedish massage is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology, rather than energy work on the meridians or sen lines as used in Asian massage systems. The techniques vary from light to vigorous. Five basic strokes are used: effleurage (sliding or gliding), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (rhythmic tapping), friction (cross fiber or with the fibers) and vibration/shaking. The treatment is therefore more invigorating in nature.

The massage is carried out using massage oil and takes approximately 60 minutes. The whole of the body is massaged.

£50 / hour



Thai massage is performed fully clothed on a mat on the floor. The technique involves putting gentle but firm pressure on your body with the palms and thumbs, as well as relaxing stretching of the limbs and back. Work is carried out along the SEN  lines to increase the energy flow and release blockages (painful areas). Manipulation of the body stretches the muscles beyond what is possible unaided removing stiffness from the body.

There are many contra-indications for this massage technique and therefore a full assessment will be carried out prior to any treatment.

£55 / hour

There is an additional charge for mobile services based upon distance, please enquire on 01905 820700 / 07442 175529